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High Holiday Preparation

Historically, every August has been the month to begin intense rehearsals For the High Holiday Services at Temple Emanuel, Denver, Colorado.
The amount of music to be prepared for Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre, and Yom Kippur services is quite staggering.
In this year, of Covid-19, the task has become even more staggering.
With all worship services to be streamed, all choral and instrumental selections needed to be recorded and filmed.
Fortunately, our Allen Touring Organ was able to offer extraordinary musical and audio flexibility to assist in this new and challenging process. We moved the “Beautiful Beast” (so named by the Temple’s Audio Technician) into the main sanctuary in early August to accommodate the rehearsal and recording schedule.
Since most audio recording involved direct output, into multi-trac master recording, the Temple’s 56 rank Austin pipe organ could not be used. The pipe’s inconsistent tuning, and distance from the other musicians proved a logistical impossibility.
Location of the Allen console was easily accomplished with its movable dolly platform. Clergy, instrumentalists, and choir members were all impressed with the organ’s realism and dynamic presence.
While we are still in the process of recording and editing, stay tuned for updates and links to the services.

New Custom ALLEN Church Organ for Summer/Fall “Tour”

New Custom GeniSys Allen just unwrapped!

This Custom 3-manual GeniSys Allen Organ was designed to fill the specific needs of a busy 2020 Summer and Fall Concert Schedule.
Sadly, we are all facing a challenging season with Covid-19 overshadowing everything we do……
Performances and gatherings of the Colorado Symphony, Colorado Bach Ensemble, Bravo!Vail, Higher Things Lutheran Conference, Knights of Columbus Equestrian Conclave have all been cancelled or postponed.
And so, this grand instrument temporarily resides in our garage…..a welcome addition to the lawn mower, snowblower, and garden tools.
On the lighter side, the neighbors are enjoying our impromptu concerts!
Several churches have expressed interest in hosting this extraordinary instrument in their worship space….as COVID is managed or subsides.

While we all await a safe re-opening of Colorado, please be assured of our service and support to Religious Institutions and Organists throughout these times.
Wishing you all a safe and happy Fourth of July! 🇺🇸

Selected Allen Organ Installations

Sacred Heart Cathedral Pueblo, CO

Sacred Heart Cathedral Pueblo, CO   Custom 3-manual/Pipe Combination

Pax Christi Highlands Ranch, CO

Pax Christi Catholic Church Highlands Ranch, CO  2-manual DK Console

Lifebridge Community Longmont, CO

Lifebridge Community Longmont, CO  Custom 3-manual for Blended Worship

Two Organ Concert First Plymouth Church Englewood, CO

Two Organ Concert First Plymouth Church Englewood, CO      Pipe and Allen Side by Side